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Kelly resides in Salt Lake City, Utah with her best friend/husband of 14 years and two busy pre-tweeners who rock her world. She works a couple days a week at her husband’s construction company and spends the rest of her time running her cute kiddos around to various dance, singing or ice skating lessons and picking up their friends for play dates. Her daughter was diagnosed with a severe allergy to tree nuts at the age of two so most play dates and activities are in her home aka: the safe zone. It’s not uncommon to find half a dozen kids, and their moms — what she calls her “momtourage,” over on any given day.

In her spare time (wait…she’s not admitting she has spare time) she loves to read, write, run, entertain friends and family, have wine tastings and blog. Her blog is her online scrapbook and she’s addicted! It’s her way of burning off some of the creativity she has flowing through her veins. She has a very tight, wonderful network of girlfriends who are very supportive of her and her children, and are especially good with her daughter. She also loves to spend time with her husband and her very close family. She feels very lucky and fortunate to have such an amazing support system.

Kelly’s Articles:
Discovering My Daughter’s Nut Allergy
A Precarious Invitation
Traveling with Nut Allergies
The Worst Day Of My Life
Just When I Thought I Knew It All
When Will I Know?
Another Safe Halloween

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